Wednesday, April 14, 2010

midterm elections

saw an associated press article about nj congressional races for this november. 13 seats up and the average incumbent has $280,000 on hand for this 2010 race, while the average challenger has only $17,000 available.

thrust of article is that incumbents will win going away due to monetary advantage. an old friend of mine always used to say

"if you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got"

it seems to me that we americans have have two choices for change in our country today.

#1 vote out incumbents

#2 start the second american revolution

to me, the obvious choice is #1. every poll out there says we do not trust congress and do not like where they are taking us. this november we have the opportunity to strike back. if you know how our government elections work, you must realize the only vote you get is to reelect or vote out your own congressman. if we want politicians to take notice, we must get rid of all the incumbents. that means you must vote out your guy! can you imagine the signal that we could send by getting rid of 13 nj congressmen, it would be stupefying.

the election is less than 7 months away. find out who your current guy is (if you don't know) and who is running come november. make up your mind not to listen to the campaign stuff, but just to vote for the new guy. i don't care if he/she is a republican or democrat, vote for the other guy! he/she could hardly do worse, AND has the potential to do much better (if they get the message).

if we do not turn out the bulk of them, there will be no message. the new guys will think they can do whatever they want based on how they run. if we get 13 new people in nj, they will be unable to disregard what we want to happen.

put this blog into your tickle file for october, then act on it in november.

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