Sunday, October 21, 2012

spending money

As we approach this year's election date, everyone or almost everyone seems to have made up their mind about who to vote for. Before you cast your ballot, I would like to ask everyone a question that I think they should answer before doing so. What should our government STOP spending money on?
If your income goes down, or your expenses go up, you and your wife, or partner, sit down and figure out what to cut back on. Whether it is entertainment, food, vacations, etc., you decide where to stop spending income you no longer have or income you can no longer spend due to increases in areas where you cannot cut back.
So, where do you want to stop spending government money? We cannot keep borrowing forever! Is it defense? Do you wish to risk you and your children's future safety? Is it the department of energy? This would be one of my favorites! The department of education perhaps. Public TV? The list is long and no matter where we cut, the biggies will still be there, ie, Social Security and Medicare. And, now, Obamacare! If we stop spending on everything but these three programs, we can generate a balanced budget, but we cannot pay down our debt. Every American now owes about $50,000. The third largest expenditure in our budget is interest on our debt and we are in a period of extremely low interest rates.
So, I ask again, where should the government stop spending our money? The difference between Obama and Romney is the thought that government should be big (Obama) or small (Romney). We can no longer afford "big"!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Embassy Attacks & More

Well, 9/11 has come and gone with the usual pomp and traditional ceremonies at various locations. In addition, two countries have added their own ceremonies to 9/11 by attacking our Embassies in Egypt and Libya. Anyone who thinks this is a random event is either stupid or covering their eyes because they do not want to see (middle monkey).
The current administration is going to say is was a few (1,500) crazy people who did this and most muslims are with the USA, as will the Egyptians and Libyians. i am no longer buying it. It was the job of those governments to protect those embassies, just as we protect theirs! Failure to do so constitutes an act of war.
If Obama takes this lying down, accepting whoever their scapegoat is (unless there are 1,500 of them), he needs to go. We, the USA, need to find our way back to toughness, so those who dare, will not dare again.
Muslims are deeply religious. It's time to put their religion on the line. They are either with us or against us. Next attack, we take down Medina, the entire city. If the Muslims are with us, another attack will not happen. If they are not, Medina goes. Second attack, we take down Mecca. We make these threats public, so every Muslim alive knows it. They also know it is something we do not wish to do, but it is in their hands as to whether it happens or not. So, either Muslims as an entity win, or their fanatics do!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Energy Manipulation

I'm getting really tired of government manipulating energy markets. Here in Jersey the Governor just signed a bill subsidizing solar power to the tune of $400 Milliom dollars/year of ratepayer's money (that's another tax on us people). This money is not being used to develop new technology to make solar power more efficient or more cost effective, but to make NJ the leader in installations. The payback period without subsidy (by the industry's own numbers ranges from over 20 years to over 30 years), a rate that NOBODY would invest in without substantial subsidy (ergo, the reason for the new bill).
Nationally, the government has blocked drilling in many promising areas, prevented exploratory drilling in many other areas, has outlawed hydraulic fracturing for gas production, has prevented the building of LNG import facilities, while subsidizing wind energy offshore. the economics of wind energy run neck and neck with the economics of solar power, i.e., not cost effective, nor reliable.
our economy suffers as a result of these policies. we are more energy dependent, have higher energy prices, have fewer american jobs and have a landscape of fans and panels which are quite unappealing.
how about letting the market work! nobody wants pollution. we have the strongest pollution laws in the world. lets enforce them, but stop regulating our businesses out of existance. What's good for Brazil, should be good for us (we are giving them our money to develop offshore oil and gas wells). Let's let common sense rule! It's the same ocean.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

presidential race

two issues came to light over the past couple days. first, obama is proving to be an effective liar and totally unaware of how the country actually works economically. his remarks in texas that no one can succeed in business without government support is ridicilous. he said without roads etc these business could not succeed. well, when oil was found, the businesses built their own roads, drilled for their own water and provided for their own fire and police protection. it is scary to think that this man, our current president is that ignorant. If he aint that dumb, then he must be lying. in either case, he does not belong in the White House.
now, romney needs to do two things. one he needs to release tax returns for at least the last 4 years. i dont care if it impacts his partners or not. he is the one who chose to run, he knew going in this would be an issue, so he needed to figure out a way to do it. if he wont, then walk away and let the republicans find someone else. there is plenty of time. second, get a proper explanation of the bain thing out there. from 1999 to 2002 he was listed as CEO and sole stockholder. either he was or he wasn't. if he wasn't, explain how. if he was, explain why. but explain the discrepancy.
we need an election that is decided on the merits of obama's record (horrible) versus the record and/or plans of his opponent, not a pissing contest about issues that should not matter.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

7/12/12 musings

first, let's talk pot. got medical pot law on books that for some reason has not been implemented yet after alomst two (?) years. and now have talk of decriminalizing pot (good idea). get them help in lieu of punishment (at a lower cost to boot!) i think we should start doing things that make sense rather than things that are "moral".
second thing on my list today is "budgets". why does government always have to raise capital by borrowing for all its maintenance needs. if you got a park, you know the benches will need painting, board replacement, etc. So, why don't you "budget" for it? this "budgeting" process goes up through NJ transit and all other state and federal agencies. if you know u r going to need new cars, "budget" for them, instead of borrowing for them.
next is foreign affairs. i'm tired of third world, and near third world, countries jerking us around. if they are going to stand up to us, let them stand up to us without our help! you want to show us how tough you are, great! Now, do it on your dime! it 's time we pull the plug anytime a country screws with us. yeah, we might be percieved as bullies, but i'm tired of turning my cheek and acting the fool for the world's bozos!
Romney spoke before the NAACP. He should have come out with both guns firing. If blacks look at where they are now compared to where they were 20 years ago, they were a hell of a lot better off then. Obama has done nothing to improve their lot, and won't, if given another 4 years. And, i think he was given a chance to express his views, so, rah, rah for the NAACP!
House vote to repeal "Obamacare" succeeds. This will force the Senate to vote on it again, identifying the Senators voting for or agin it, making it difficult for those up for reelection in tight States. This i think could turn the tide for the senate in november toward the republicans.
the "study" of memorable TV moments is either total "BS" or a dire indictment of our country as it exists today. How can anyone not have the moon landing in 1969 on their list? That was the most significant technological moment in our history! Certainly a top five, if not #1 or #2. i have never been one who could march in step with the masses, but i cannot be so out of touch that anything OJ did could possibly be in my top 25, not even my top 50.
last for today is about money in politics. The amont of money being raised and spent is appalling. and, the methods being used to raise it have become more nefarious. trying to keep this simple, it all began with trying to stop corporate money from being used in elections. it then grew into stopping union money from being used. then try to stop foreign money and the beat goes on. at the end of the day, the ruling says - you can spend all you want as a corporation as long as you don't let the campaign control how it's spent. oh, and by the way, you don't have to tell us who is making donations. otherwise, you must tell us and there are limits to how much can be donated, which favors the union side of things. i can offer two solutions to this problem. one is to make all airwaves free to candidates. airwaves belong to us, we rent them out, so we can control their use. you say the devil is in the details. i can be the devil (as can just about all american citizens), so that's not really an issue. the alternative is to allow (and limit) the amount of money used in a campaign. once again, i'll act as the devil.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Dwayne Wickham

read his commentary today in APP (7/2/12). Essence of his words are that all black need to come out in volume in order that obama can be reelected. he needs blacks to win. nothing to do with issues, just obama the blacks to vite for him. this is as racist a call as anything any southerner did in the 50's or 60's. this call for votes worked in 2008 for two reasons. first, a black man was on the ballot for the first time. i understood it then. second, it was a time of "hope and change". i did not believe it then, but many others did. I do not believe even the most gullible believe it now.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

this is just a note regarding today 7/1/12. biggest issue was obamacare supreme court decision discussion. roberts was main interest. some called him very smart and way ahead of everyone else, others called him a traitor and yet others thought he came around to the view that wee need unified health care and this was a way to keep the ball rolling toward that goal. i think he didnt have the balls to do what was right and necessary. his only job is to interpret the constitutionality of the law, not to determine what any law might casue the country to do. he failed miserably. he used convoluted logic to escape making the proper decision in this case and he probably thinks he saved our country a lot of aggravation by doing so.
he has not! We need more people to  use the KISS principle when making decisions. things just aint that complicated when you boil them down to the basics.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Lying Commentator

Read a column by Bob Ingle today. I believe he is a Jersey guy who writes commentary for NJ Press Media. He is not nationally syndicated.
His commentary was about Romney, Obama and Carter (president in 76-80). Now, I believe everyone is entitled to their opinion regardless of its stupidity. Where I have a problem is when someone with access uses that access to try to convince people of their position using lies and innuendo.
This is exactly what Bob Ingle did! Without going into the details, he trashed Romney, praised Obama and absolutely beatified Carter. He did it by lying and using innuendo to perpetrate more lies. To his credit, he responded to two of my emails. To my dismay, he ignored the most serious charges I laid before him. He would not acknowledge lying, nor would he state he did not lie.
I copied the Editor of the Press  in all these emails and have not heard from him as yet. Since it is a weekend, I'll give him Monday to get back to me. What I want from the Press is an acknowledgement that they will review commentary and not publish such articles when obvious lies are a part of it. Isn't that what editors should do? I previously wrote a Press reporter who badly slanted an article on solar power. When I questioned her bias, she did not deny it, but said when the oil companies receive no subsidies, she might (not will), but might change her slant. And here I thought reporters were supposed to present the facts, not any innuendo. The editor in that case,  who was told of what she wrote, did nothing to reprimand her and failed to get back to me after promising he would.
This is the same editor! I will let all know what happens.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Unemployment Rate

Aren't you a bit tired of labor statistics that do not show the reality of our collective situation? We have a monthly unemployment rate that does not accurately reflect what is actually going on in our country. Look at April's numbers. They show the unemployment rate going down, not because of the number of jobs created, but because more Americans stopped looking for work.  The current rate measures the number of jobs created and the number of people supposedly looking for work, but does not count those who are no longer looking. Who are these people no longer looking? Am I included? I have been looking since 2008, but I am sure I am counted among those who stopped looking. But, nobody asked if I stopped. As far as I know nobody checked to see how many resumes I sent out or how many networking events I attended. Why measure (? - not so sure it's measureable) and report an unemployment rate that does not reflect our situation?
We can easily count the number of employed people and we can certainly count the number of people living here of working age, including illegals. So, why not report that number? I believe that number more accurately reflects what is going on in the labor market. Is it because that number would show unemployment at about 30+%?  We could also develop the yearly average income and report that as a function of total employment. It would tell us how we are doing not only in employment, but in dollars. What would that tell us? It would tell us whether or not the new jobs were paying a living wage. Not all jobs are good jobs. If we lose a job paying $75,000/year and replace it with a job paying $30,000/year, are we better or worse off?
Politicians love statistics! They can dance around any number reported to show whatever it is they are trying to prove. Remember, "figures lie, and liars figure". Politicians do both. We (the people) need to make it a  crime for any politician to lie to us, not the other way around (it is a crime for us to lie to Congress).
So, let's get a new reporting method and stop the reporting that allows Obama to say one thing and Romney another, without either being called a liar.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

So much to do

Well, now it's May. Baseball underway, basketball and hockey playoffs, always have some football news and the world of government in NJ and the 2012 election season is upon us. So much to choose from and so much to do!
Today I am commenting on the Bin Laden attack of one year ago. I have always maintained that the office defines the President and that when it comes to defense of the USA, most all presidents would respond in the same way to events.
The CIA, the Army and other governments agencies found Bin Laden, not Obama. Seal Team Six came up with the plan to get him and Obama did what any thinking president would have done, he ordered the attack to go forward!
I was very happy that day and even understood why they buried him at sea and did not release much other info about any part of the events. I also gained some respect for Obama when he said "no one should spike the football". Now, here we are in May of 2012, one year after Bin Laden's death, and Obama is spiking the football and suggesting no one else, but especially Romney, would have done what he did. To that we should all say - "bullshit!"

Friday, April 27, 2012


It's been a while since I have written a post about anything. Got discouraged due to so few followers. Interestingly enough, several of my Blog's ideas have since started to take hold in public affairs. For instance, I suggested consolidation of NJ schools and towns. Now, there is more interest and actual consolidation happening. My discussion about coaches is also taking hold.
Nothing in particular today, but with the political season upon us, I will certainly have a lot of fodder for the grist mill over the next several months.
So, hello again, and I do hope some of my Blogs will interest you and that you in turn will share my posts with others you know.