Wednesday, July 18, 2012

presidential race

two issues came to light over the past couple days. first, obama is proving to be an effective liar and totally unaware of how the country actually works economically. his remarks in texas that no one can succeed in business without government support is ridicilous. he said without roads etc these business could not succeed. well, when oil was found, the businesses built their own roads, drilled for their own water and provided for their own fire and police protection. it is scary to think that this man, our current president is that ignorant. If he aint that dumb, then he must be lying. in either case, he does not belong in the White House.
now, romney needs to do two things. one he needs to release tax returns for at least the last 4 years. i dont care if it impacts his partners or not. he is the one who chose to run, he knew going in this would be an issue, so he needed to figure out a way to do it. if he wont, then walk away and let the republicans find someone else. there is plenty of time. second, get a proper explanation of the bain thing out there. from 1999 to 2002 he was listed as CEO and sole stockholder. either he was or he wasn't. if he wasn't, explain how. if he was, explain why. but explain the discrepancy.
we need an election that is decided on the merits of obama's record (horrible) versus the record and/or plans of his opponent, not a pissing contest about issues that should not matter.

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