Sunday, October 21, 2012

spending money

As we approach this year's election date, everyone or almost everyone seems to have made up their mind about who to vote for. Before you cast your ballot, I would like to ask everyone a question that I think they should answer before doing so. What should our government STOP spending money on?
If your income goes down, or your expenses go up, you and your wife, or partner, sit down and figure out what to cut back on. Whether it is entertainment, food, vacations, etc., you decide where to stop spending income you no longer have or income you can no longer spend due to increases in areas where you cannot cut back.
So, where do you want to stop spending government money? We cannot keep borrowing forever! Is it defense? Do you wish to risk you and your children's future safety? Is it the department of energy? This would be one of my favorites! The department of education perhaps. Public TV? The list is long and no matter where we cut, the biggies will still be there, ie, Social Security and Medicare. And, now, Obamacare! If we stop spending on everything but these three programs, we can generate a balanced budget, but we cannot pay down our debt. Every American now owes about $50,000. The third largest expenditure in our budget is interest on our debt and we are in a period of extremely low interest rates.
So, I ask again, where should the government stop spending our money? The difference between Obama and Romney is the thought that government should be big (Obama) or small (Romney). We can no longer afford "big"!